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Brüggen Open Air 08/29 - 08/30/2025
Facts and figures about Brüggen Open Air: from arrival to daysaver ticket you can find all information about program/lineup, camping site, approaching tips or other visitor information here.
Any Brüggen Open Air date in our database
2024 2025
When does the "Brüggen Open Air 2025" take place?
- Date: 08/29 - 08/30/2025
- Duration: 2 days
- Start: only 170 days
Buy tickets for "Brüggen Open Air 2025"
- Festival ticket (s.f.): ca. € 99.00
- Daysaver ticket (s.f.): ca. € 56.00
- Ticket shop: External link

Scheiß Wetter? Abkassieren dank Regenversicherung!
Rain or shine! Nicht jedem geht bei knietiefem Matsch das Herz auf. Wer sich dennoch das durch Regen versaute Festival versüßen lassen will, kann jetzt eine Regenversicherung bei unserem Partner WETTERHELD buchen. Für jeden verregneten Tag erhältst du eine Entschädung von 50€ bis 300€.
Jetzt buchen und bis zu 300€ pro Regentag erhaltenLocation
Where does the "Brüggen Open Air" take place?
- City: 41379 Brüggen
- State: Northrhine-Westphalia
- Country: Germany
Event venue
Do I need an umbrella and a grill?
- Where: outdoor
- Site: Burg Brüggen
- Camping: no
Lineup "Brüggen Open Air" 2025
- Artist amount (Grouping): 0-10
- Artists: Subway To Sally, Tarja, Kupfergold, Aeverium und weitere
How do I get to the "Brüggen Open Air"?
- Get a ride: no data
- Approach: no data
Some numbers
Foundation, categorization and visitor number of the "Brüggen Open Air 2025"
- Category: Rock festivals
- Genres: Folk, Gothic, Metal, Medieval, Pirate, Rock
- Foundation: 2024
- Festival edition: #2
- Visitors: 1500
Further information
- Website: External link
- Facebook event: External link
- Published by: Ingo Croonenberg
- Festival stuff: Have a look at EMP sale!
- Regenversicherung: Bis zu 300€ pro Regentag! (buchen)
Brüggen Open Air Statistics
Please note, the data on this page may differ to the real event promoter data. Please get the current data of the event of the promoters website. We are trying to keep our data up-to-date.
The data is wrong or incomplete? Let us know!